Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sen. Obama Will Sellout Our Country

Senator Obama will sell this country down the river. If he is elected your standard of living will go down in favor of the illegal immigrant. The record shows that Senator Obama voted to continue federal funding for declared “sanctuary cities”, voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security, and co-sponsored providing funding for social services for illegal aliens.

Wow! Can you feel your wallet getting lighter already? How will he pay for all of this? Does he have a pot of gold somewhere? I think he does—it’s called the American taxpayers, specifically the middle class!

We are currently in a recession, close to a depression, the last thing we need right now is a massive tax increase. But that’s what we will get if we continue to not enforce our borders, and continue to legalize these criminal aliens. Illegal immigrants cause your health care costs to be higher—since many don’t have health insurance and use emergency room services for all their needs—the most expensive option—since our federal laws require that all emergency room patients must be treated regardless of the financial, or citizenship, status. Allowing “sanctuary cities” to exist just exacerbates this problem.

For example, Dallas County, Texas taxpayers spend $15 million EVERY YEAR to treat Mexican nationals at Parkland Hospital. Illegal immigrants from nearby counties ran up a tab of nearly $27 million EVERY YEAR at Parkland Hospital. Dallas can't force those other counties to pay up. But Parkland's board chair Dr. Lauren McDonald said if outsiders don't pay their fair share of emergency and trauma care, it will have a devastating effect on the hospital and those who rely on it. (Dallas County Wants Refunds for Mexicans' Health Care NewsMax June 25 2006)

Now imagine that is your hospital in danger of closing and you’ll see why legalizing criminal aliens and “sanctuary cities” are a bad idea.

Your child’s education will also be affected negatively if we continue to allow unchecked illegal immigration. These offspring of criminal aliens overcrowd our schools—leading to larger class sizes, and less time per student. They also cause a slowdown on the amount of material that can be taught—since many illegal immigrants don’t understand English and are harder to teach than students who are fluent in English. Bilingual classes may confuse some children, who are having a hard time learning the right way, in English.

How’s your retirement fund? Still counting on Social Security to bail you out? Don’t hold your breath! If illegal immigrants are allowed to participate in this program the pot of money will get even smaller. Can you guess what will happen to your benefits? DING, DING, DING—that’s right, you win—they’ll get smaller! Social Security is already in trouble, adding criminal aliens to the rolls will not make it better! Also, how do we know how much, if any, income they have contributed to the system? Should we just take their word? Yeah, right!

If Senator Obama is elected, the criminal aliens will be better off than you—hold on to your wallet!

Senator Obama's Views :

Supports granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Voted to continue federal funding for declared “sanctuary cities”.

Voted NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government.

Voted YES on establishing a Guest Worker program.

Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security

Voted YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship.

Co-sponsored providing funding for social services for noncitizens.

Sources :

1 comment:

ProEnglishUSA--Eddie V Garcia said...

John, well said!!!
I need help getting the word out about my Blog and this new Congressional bill by Rep. Tom Price (GA).

I've only pasted a portion of the information and the rest is on my blog.

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement after he introduced the Common Sense English Act, which allows employers the freedom to establish "English in the Workplace" policies.

"English is the established language of business and commerce in America," said Rep. Price. "A single, shared language on the job is critical to avoiding misunderstandings.

It is troubling that some would deny employers the freedom to establish English as the common language in the workplace.

Employers should not be barred from setting common-sense policies that encourage productivity.
